Pampa Labyrinth

Land of art and bifurcations

Made with more than ten types of bamboo, Pampa Labyrinth proposes two paths inspired by the traditional Creole silverware designs of the area where it is located. Two patterns with different logics: “the feather of the rhea”, which materializes the logic of search, loss and encounter. And “the flower of thought”, which responds to the modality of contemplation, slowing down the pace of the mind and expanding the conscience. 

Different textures, colors and shapes stimulate our perception and guide our choices. Pampa Labyrinth is a work in collaboration with nature. The bamboo expresses itself to guide our walk, our choices, modifying our views and projections while shaping our continuous present. The paths sharpen our observation and sensitivity to care for other species and to feel part of the marvelous planet we inhabit.